Team Communication is the Heartbeat of Safe
and Quality Patient Care

The Most Innovative Medical Communication and Scheduling App

Investor Relations

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Healthcare Revolution

Investing in Medical PDQ could be a great opportunity for investors who are interested in the healthcare technology sector. With its innovative communication platform that helps healthcare providers deliver better patient care by reducing inefficiencies.

With the new funding, the company plans to expand its features and customer base, which will lead to even greater adoption and revenue growth.
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Medical PDQ is an innovative communication platform that helps healthcare providers deliver better patient care by reducing inefficiencies.

It provides a central platform for scheduling and streamlines communication between healthcare providers, reducing the need for manual processes and minimizing errors and delays.

By providing real-time communication, Medical PDQ helps healthcare providers make informed decisions about patient care and improves patient outcomes. The platform's features include secure messaging, task management, and document sharing, among others. With its focus on improving the delivery of healthcare services, reducing errors and delays, and ultimately improving patient outcomes



The platform is a B2B2C that generates revenue through subscriptions and licensing fees. Medical professionals can pay a subscription fee to access the platform, which gives them access to various features. In addition, 

Medical PDQ charges licensing fees to hospital and clinical organizations that want to incorporate its content into their products or services and through their EMR systems. In the near future, the platform will generate revenue through advertising partnerships with pharmaceutical companies and other healthcare-related businesses.
Being present on two of the most popular mobile app stores in the world also provides Medical PDQ with a wider audience and greater visibility, including international, which will lead to increased adoption rates and revenue growth in the long term. 

Medical PDQ's presence on these app stores demonstrates that the company has invested in user experience and mobile development, which can be attractive to potential investors who value companies that are adapting to changing market trends and technological advancements.

Apple Store and Google Play Store is a strong indicator of Medical PDQ's commitment to innovation, growth, and profitability, making it an attractive investment opportunity for investors looking to invest in the healthcare technology sector.
Having contracts with top Electronic Medical Record (EMR) vendors is a good reason to invest in Medical PDQ because it shows that the company has established relationships with key players in the healthcare technology industry. 

EMR vendors play a crucial role in healthcare by providing platforms for healthcare providers to store and manage patient data. By partnering with these EMR vendors, Medical PDQ is able to integrate its platform seamlessly with these EMR systems, which can lead to increased efficiency and better patient outcomes. 



Board of Advisors

Advisor - Dennis Cagan

Dennis Jay Cagan is a noted high-technology entrepreneur, respected CEO, professional board director – 67 corporate fiduciary boards, venture investor, mentor, consultant, and Shadow CEO™. He has founded or co-founded over a dozen different companies, taken some public, and has been the CEO of both public and private companies. Mr. Cagan is a recognized authority on corporate governance, boards of directors, information technology (including mobile applications, Internet, infrastructure, e- commerce, software, hardware, systems, cybersecurity, and communications), in the disciplines of governance, strategy, distribution channels, sales/marketing, and services. 
Advisor - Michael Gorton

Michael Gorton is a 14x serial entrepreneur and one of the pioneers in the telemedicine and digital health space, which is rapidly becoming a trillion-dollar industry. Gorton is the founder of Recuro Health, Internet Global, Teladoc, Palo Duro Records, Back To Space, and Principal Solar, to name a few. Gorton is also a best-selling author, with his book Broken Handoff, advice and lessons learned from his entrepreneurial journey. Gorton holds a BS in electrical engineering and engineering physics from Texas Tech, an MS in Space Physics from The University of Texas at Dallas, an MS in physics and engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, and a JD from Texas A&M University.

Advisor - Dr. Paul Barach, B.Med.Sci, MD, MPH, Maj (Ret.)

Paul is a healthcare innovator, a digital health expert and a serial entrepreneur with a passion for creating real world solutions which improve the quality and efficiency of the healthcare system for both patients and physicians. Paul is faculty at Thomas Jefferson University, a double boarded anaesthesiologist and critical care physician-scientist, trained at Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital. Paul previously held the positions of Chief Quality Officer, Associate Chief Medical Officer, Chair of Surgical Safety and Medication Safety committees, at major academic medical centers and is an elected member of the lead international honorary society the Association of University Anaesthesiologists.

Dr Barach is the Chief Executive Officer of J Bara Innovation Healthcare Consulting, where he helps healthcare systems, guides companies and investors to rethink problems and solutions.  Special areas of focus include innovation strategies and tactics, team training and enhanced performance, patient safety, digital health technologies, workflow automation, telehealth, electronic medical record optimization, product design, physician leadership and change management. Paul is a co-developer of the TeamSTEPPS, team training program.

Meet the entire Team



Medical PDQ's business model is primarily based on subscription fees. Healthcare providers pay a monthly or yearly fee to access the platform and its features. Our platform has different pricing tiers depending on the size of the organization, the number of users, and the level of support needed. 

Additionally, Medical PDQ may generate revenue from additional services such as data analytics or consulting. Our company may also earn revenue through partnerships with healthcare organizations or other healthcare technology companies. With the increasing demand for healthcare technology and the potential for significant cost savings and improved patient outcomes, Medical PDQ's subscription-based model appears to be a sustainable and profitable strategy.
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